Welcome to Tempus EVV Training

Tempus is no longer using this platform for EVV Training. To access the updated self-paced modules, or to register for in-person training, click HERE

• Para registrase para capacitación presencial o acceder a la nueva y actualizada página web de capacitación a su propio ritmo de EVV haga clic AQUÍ

Key Facts:

• Tempus FI is providing EVV training to all Consumers and PCAs.
• Tempus will provide you with EVV training before it is your turn to use EVV.
• PCAs will be paid for attending ONE EVV Training.
• DO NOT try to register for EVV training until it's your turn to start. You will receive an Onboarding Letter from Tempus FI when it's your turn to start using EVV.

You must have an email on file with Tempus to sign in to training.

Click the Login menu at the top, right section of this page to sign in to training.

1) Enter username - your email address

2) Consumers and PCAs:  Enter password - the last four of your social followed by your birth date MMDDYYYY (no spaces or slashes) - Example 123402011995. 

Surrogates:  Enter the password in the email you received from Tempusunlimited-EVVTraining <noreply@talentlms.com> with a subject titled ACTION REQUIRED: Welcome to EVV Training.

Need Help?

If you need EVV training system support, contact Tempus FI at 1-877-479-7577, Option #1.

Translations Translation Help: 

The EVV courses are available in English and Spanish. If you need support with another language, contact Tempus at 1-877-479-7577. Option #1.  

Al iniciar sesión, si necesita ver el sistema en español, haga clic en su nombre en la parte superior de la página, seleccione Mi información, luego seleccione Español en el campo Idioma y haga clic en Actualizar usuario. Después de hacer clic en Actualizar usuario, haga clic en Cancelar para volver a la página de inicio, que debería estar en español.